Here is my rant for the day. I have been reading about a company named Monsanto and how the genetically engineer seeds. They basically are making super-crops. These crops can withstand any bug you throw at it. I read something the other day that said they are injecting a toxin into corn seeds and this toxin is supposed to make a bugs' stomach explode after they eat it. WHAT??!!! The bug explodes. Well I just had to look into this a bit further. It doesn't really make the bug explode it more or less dissolves the bug. Can this be safe? Research now shows that this toxin (which is supposed to wear away before the corn makes it to the store) has been found in people who ate the corn. Several large chain stores like Trader Joes and Whole Foods have already banned the Monsanto corn from their stores. But the one store that is holding steady in their fight to keep Monsanto corn is Walmart. Oh of course, Walmart would be the store that would keep toxic corn on its shelves. That may explain some of the fabulous shoppers that inhibit Walmart.
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